AEMC (Advanced Environmental Monitoring and Control) Bioregenerative Life Support project at NASA is using Neural Network to control the on board green machine and keep it humming at peak efficiency.
There are several applications that already use automated greenhouse technology.
There is no need to re-invent these systems for what they are designed to do, which is mostly grow lettuce, tomatoes and other hydroponic favored varieties. Hydroponics is the easiest method to get Organic Certified, and is the most common method for large scale food production, which enables food to stay more fresh longer, thus spending a longer time in the supply chain.
What is needed is a safe, secure, affordable, and consistent way to log / interact with the greenhouse data that is produced from the length of the food’s production.
We Grow Live has created an automated greenhouse that can be monitored and controlled in real time.
Capturing the data from the grow operation and having the output(s) analyzed by a cognitive computing system will build a foundation for machine learning.
This will allow for optimal nutritional value and maximum plant growth.
This information can also be used to create a predictive growth chart for future growing projects.